by Kat Griffin Kat Griffin

Manufacturing, a High Demanding Career with Great Potential

October in the United States isn’t just about cooler weather, falling leaves and pumpkin-spiced lattes; it’s also Manufacturing Month. Each year, Manufacturing Month is recognized throughout October to highlight modern manufacturing efforts and to raise awareness about manufacturing careers.


A Career in ManufacturingManufacturing Career Statistics

You’re not alone if you haven’t thought of a manufacturing career as a top choice for your or your children’s future. Although manufacturing is vital to the world economy, careers in manufacturing are often misunderstood and not sought after. 

Today, manufacturing opportunities are considered a career rather than a job because the work is rewarding. In this career choice, you’re challenged as you invent, produce and distribute the everyday items and technologies of the future. Not only is it rewarding, but it’s also an industry that provides stability and security.

 So why is there such a high demand for manufacturing workers? There are many reasons for this. One is the misconception that manufacturing positions are loud, dirty, messy, low-paid, and low-skilled. With the advent of more advanced technology, robotics and streamlined manufacturing processes, low-skilled positions in manufacturing have all but disappeared. Today, manufacturing is a high-precision field with high-tech facilities to match. Many manufacturing facilities are clean, well-organized and filled with high-tech equipment. As a result, high- and medium-skilled workers are in demand to run these modern manufacturing facilities. Manufacturers must fill these positions to stay competitive in the global market. But no one seems to know about these high-paying opportunities, another reason for the high demand. That’s where secondary schools come into play. 

It’s pertinent for companies to bring in students from local schools, giving them tours of the facility and explaining the roles of different positions within the organization. In addition, offering summer jobs and internships to these students is another great way to recruit future employees. According to an Industry Week study, 64% of high school students choose their careers based on both their interests and experiences. Therefore, the earlier a child is exposed to manufacturing, the better chance they will migrate towards it.

Career Opportunities

Manufacturing is a career of lifelong learning. It has a lot to offer: exciting and innovative work, good salaries, and room for development. So, if you’re looking for a career in manufacturing, MWI, Inc. might be the right place for you. View Our Career Opportunities!