![MWI logo for COVID-19 Message]()
Our Valued Client Customers, Business Partners and Friends,
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to impact our communities, I wanted to take a moment to update you about how MWI is managing this new reality. MWI’s top priority is the continued well-being of our family, which includes our team members, families, clients, vendors and communities. As such, in our day-to-day operations, we at MWI are following the recommendations of U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities to assist our community in preventing the further spread of the virus and keep our personnel healthy and safe.
MWI intends to provide all essential services and products to our customers throughout these unprecedented times. We have the necessary infrastructure in place to do so, as our extensive technology investments over the last few years have made it relatively easy to continue operations in a decentralized fashion – whether from home or elsewhere. MWI has taken the appropriate measures to ensure our raw material inventories are secure for the foreseeable future. In addition, our five domestic manufacturing locations inherently have redundant resources that include engineers, machining and purification. Should all five of our domestic locations need to close, we also have a global contingency plan with industry partners.
In addition to our Remote Working policy and Contingency Plans, we have implemented the following directives:
- Eliminated all nonessential plant visitors.
- Inbound and outbound deliveries are considered essential.
- Social distancing within the plant
- Enhanced cleaning procedures
- Eliminated all travel.
- Reinforced personal responsibilities.
The directives outlined in this memo are not intended to supersede any federal, state or local mandates. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your MWI representative.
We are prepared to make real-time decisions to minimize the impact of COVID-19, even as events are rapidly unfolding. Together we will work through this pandemic.
Wishing you and your loved ones continued safety,
~ MWI Executive Management